среда, 19. новембар 2014.

Floral note

    Cao svima! Posto je danas bio dan sa plavim nebom, suncem i kisom😂😂 u ovom postu cemo videti nesto malo drugacije nego do sada :)
Divne jesenje pantalone sa sarenim cvecem i listovima, providna bela kosulja sa crnom kragnom, popularnim belim dubokim Nike patikama i bebi rozom koznom jaknom 😘
Uzivajte! <3 
Do sledeceg posta :***

Hi everyone! Because today was a day with blue sky, sunshine and rain 😂😂 in this post we will see something a little different than before :) 
Beautiful Autumn pants with colorful flowers and leaves, transparent white shirt with a black collar, popular white Nike sneakers, deeply and baby pink leather jacket 😘 
Enjoy! <3
To the next post :**

Jacket- ZARA
Trousers- ZARA
Swatch- DKNY 
Shirt- Bershka
Sneakers- Nike
Bracelets- cruciani and six and handwork

понедељак, 17. новембар 2014.

Leather passion style

       Cao svima, evo mene opet, izvinite sto dugo nisam ubacivala postove, zbog skole i zbog mojih drugih obaveza:*

U ovom postu cu podeliti sa vama moj autfit od veceras. Obozavam ovu kombinaciju i cesto je nosim. 
Moderne pantalone braon sa sljokicama, zelena parka, bajkerice braon od prevrnute koze, siva torba sa mopsom i braon kaisem. 
Uzivajte! :* <3  

       Hi everyone, it's me again, sorry I didn t post for a long time, but i had school and other responsibilities:*

In this post I will share with you my outfit of the evening. I love this combination and often wear it. Modern brown pants with sequins, green park, bajkerica of brown suede, black bag with a Pug and a brown belt. 
Enjoy! :*

















    Jacket- ZARA TRF
    Trousers- Bershka
     Boots- Bikkembergs
     Bag- H&M